The devil whispered in my ear,
"You're not strong enough to withstand the storm."
Today I whispered in the devil's ear,
"I am the storm."

Commander A. Lewis
Founder & Fugitive Retrieval Specialist
Established in 1991, Ghost Bounty FRS (a veteran-owned company) has a long history of experience and training in the fugitive retrieval industry. Our clients appreciate our fast, efficient, and reliable service as well as our friendly and courteous staff. As a result, Ghost Bounty FRS has continued to grow every year as many continue to return to us for their fugitive retrieval (skips) needs.
Ghost Bounty FRS Experts all have previous Government, Law Enforcement, and or Military Training and service. Charged with the apprehension of wanted persons, Ghost Bounty Fugitive Retrieval Services conducts warrant investigations, primarily felony warrants (ie: gangs, guns, drugs).
Specializing in Fugitive Recovery (Bounty Hunting), our Experts are 1299 compliant, carry 832pc. Guard Card and Firearms Permits issued by the State of California, Utah, Texas, and New York.
Ghost Bounty Fugitive Retrieval Services, a California based company is Insured and Bonded.
Ghost Bounty FRS services:
Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties
Salt Lake, Utah, Davis and Weber Counties
Brooklyn, Queens, Suffolk, and The Bronx Counties
Rockwall, Bowie, and Dallas Counties
International Satellite Locations in Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom
Ghost Bounty Fugitive Retrieval Services works with several Bail Bond companies in Southern California, Utah, and New York locating and delivering fugitives to detention facilities.

Here at Ghost Bounty FRS, we take pride in being a company that can help others and not passive when we see problems around us. We have in the past and plan to continue to make charitable actions and donations in the future as we grow.
Let's work together to make the world a safer place now and for future generations; a generous percentage of all Ghost Bounty FRS purchases (apparel and accessories) are donated. Some of our items are limited or no longer available at this time due to vendor changes, supply, and demand. We are working on a remedy and hope to have an online venue available in the future to make our items more accessible. Until then, thank you for your patience and understanding during these trying times, and stay safe.

Ghost Bounty: Contact
Contact us to speak with one of our Fugitive Retrieval Experts
Email: gbfrsmedia@ghostbountyfrs.com
Phone: 323.680.0614
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